Monday, November 3, 2014



The following Quimbanda ceremonial ritual is how to invoke the
powers of the dead through the intercession of the Spirit, Exu
Meia Noite. The Grand Ritual of Exu Meia Noite To Invoke The
Powers Of The Dead, is used to summon the intranquil spirits to do
your bidding for any spiritual request. The ritual must be performed at 12 Midnight on a Full Moon when the spiritual energies are at their most powerful and the spiritual portal is open from the Earth directly into the World of the Spirits. This magical spiritual portal is only open between 12 Midnight until 3 A.M. This magical ritual can be done directly in front of the altar of the Quimbanda Trinity or for the best results in the cemetery in front of a grave stone in the form or shape of a cross. If you will be doing this ritual at the cemetery, then use the grave stone in the form or shape of a cross as your focus altar point. All grave stones in the form or shape of a cross are the primary magical location in the cemetery to manifest the powerful Quimbanda spirits.


Blessed Olive Oil from a Catholic Church
Human Bone Powder
Magnetic Sand
Crushed Quartz Crystals
Black Pillar Altar Candle
Two Black Household Candles
One White Household Candle
One Red Household Candle
White Pemba (Chalk)
Incense Charcoal
Metal Incense Burner
Carnation Fragrance Oil
Rose Fragrance Oil
Cinnamon Fragrance Oil
Brass Bell

The Grand Ritual of Exu Meia Noite To Invoke The Powers Of The Dead, uses a ritually prepared black pillar altar candle which must be prepared with the following ingredients in order to summon and invoke the Spirit, Exu Meia Noite and the intranquil spirits. The ritual black candle must be blessed and dressed and then consecrated before ritual use. After the black altar pillar candle has been dressed and consecrated, set it into a candle holder and then place it into and onto the spirit signature of Exu Meia Noite. The black altar pillar candle should be ritually consecrated and dressed by preparing a sacred oil mixture consisting of the following magical items;

Blessed Olive Oil from a Catholic Church
Human Bone Powder
Magnetic Sand
Crushed Quartz Crystals


Draw the spirit signature of Exu Meia Noite using pemba in front of the grave stone in the form or shape of a cross at the foot of it. Draw a circle around the spirit signature of Exu Meia Noite in a
clockwise position.

Draw a large magic circle using white pemba (chalk) (7 feet round in diameter) in a clockwise position directly in front of the grave stone in the form or shape of a cross. Draw the spirit signature of the Quimbanda Cross inside of the magic circle. The spirit signature of the Quimbanda Cross should be made large enough so as the six points of the Quimbanda Cross touch the edges of the magic circle.

Place the Household candles on the cardinal points of the grave stone in the form or shape of a cross by melting the bottoms of each candle and carefully attaching them so that they stick to the grave stone.

Place the dressed black altar candle into a candle holder and then place it directly into the center of the spirit signature of Exu Meia Noite.

Light the incense charcoal and then place it into the metal incense

Pour the following fragranced oils directly on top of the burning incense charcoal; Carnation Fragrance Oil, Rose Fragrance Oil and Cinnamon Fragrance Oil.


Light the candles on the grave stone in the form or shape of a cross.

Light the black altar candle. Say the following as you begin lighting the black altar candle;

Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava

Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava

Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava

Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross using your index finger of the right hand. If you have been initiated into the Quimbanda mysteries and have the spirit nganga of Exu Rei, then use the ceremonial sword from his nganga for performing this ritual. The ceremonial sword of Exu Rei is used as a powerful magical tool to command the spirits.


Facing East, with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using the index
finger from your right hand do the following: In silence, trace the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the South with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:

In silence, trace the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the West with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:

In silence, trace the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the North with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:

In silence, trace the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the East facing the altar of the Quimbanda Trinity,
with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei in your right hand pointed
towards the Heavens, say the following:

In the name of Nzambi, The God of the Heavens and the Earth -

In the name of Exu Maioral - Sarava

In the name of Exu Rei - Sarava

In the name of Maria Padilla Reina - Sarava

In the name of the Quimbanda Trinity - Sarava

In the name of the Seven Quimbanda Kingdoms - Sarava

In the name of my ancestors who are kneeling at your feet in light,
Nzambi- Sarava

By the Divine power of the Quimbanda Trinity, I do summon your
Spirit, O Mighty Nzambi to come forth to give life to this sacred
ritual and cause it into being. Sarava

Perform the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross using your index finger of the right hand or the ceremonial sword of the spirit Exu Rei.

Facing East with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using the index finger from your right hand do the following:

In silence, trace the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the South with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the West with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the North with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.

Turn towards the East facing the altar of the Quimbanda Trinity,
with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei in your right hand pointed
towards the Heavens, say the following:

In the name of Nzambi, The God of the Heavens and the Earth -

In the name of Exu Maioral - Sarava
In the name of Exu Rei - Sarava
In the name of Maria Padilla Reina - Sarava
In the name of the Quimbanda Trinity - Sarava
In the name of the Seven Quimbanda Kingdoms - Sarava
In the name of my ancestors who are kneeling at your feet in light,
Nzambi- Sarava

By the Divine power of the Quimbanda Trinity, I do summon your
Spirit, O Mighty Nzambi to come forth to give life to this sacred
ritual and cause it into being. Sarava

After successfully performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Quimbanda Cross and the Greater Invoking Ritual of the
Quimbanda Cross then face the front of the grave stone in the
form or shape of a cross with the candles burning on it and say
and do the following; Using your right hand, make the sign of the Quimbanda Trinity Cross over your body. The Quimbanda Trinity sign of the Cross is made by touching the hand sequentially to the forehead, lower chest or navel area, and right shoulder, then left shoulder and then placing your hands together in a praying position and then kissing your hands three times. This is how to say and do this: at the forehead, IN THE NAME OF NZAMBI; at the naval, IN THE
NAME OF EXU MAIORAL; across to the right shoulder, IN THE NAME OF EXU REI; across to the right left shoulder, IN THE NAME OF MARIA PADILLA REINA; and finally to the center of your heart while placing your hands together in a praying position, SARAVA; afterwards kiss your hands three times.

Using your right hand, tap the foot of the grave stone seven times.

Kneel down in front of the grave stone and begin to ring the brass
bell. While ringing the brass bell say the following invocation;

Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava
Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava
Ago Exu Meia Noite - Sarava

On this most sacred of all nights I do summon you here and invoke
your sacred mysteries to command the intranquil spirits by my
desire and by my command.

By the power of Nzambi and the Quimbanda Trinity, I command
this sacred ritual into being – Sarava.

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Da Kalunga who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the cemetery at 12
Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Das Almas who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the lost souls at 12
Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Da Praia who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the beach at 12 Midnight -

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Do Mar who rules over and
commands the intranquil spirits of the sea at 12 Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Do Oriente who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the East at 12 Midnight -

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Das Sete Encruzilhadas who
rules over and commands the intranquil spirits of the seven
crossroads at 12 Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Da Capa Capela who rules
over and commands the intranquil spirits of the church at 12
Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Do Cruzeiro who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the crossings at 12
Midnight - Sarava

Behold the great Spirit Exu Meia Noite Da Mata who rules over
and commands the intranquil spirits of the forest at 12 Midnight -

O most glorious and powerful Spirit, Exu Meia Noite, I do summon
and do invoke the powers of the legion of seven to command this
ritual into being.

I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Mirim - Sarava
I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Pimenta - Sarava
I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Male - Sarava
I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Das Montanhas-

I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Ganga - Sarava
I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Kaminaloa - Sarava
I do call, summon and invoke the spirit Exu Quirombo - Sarava

By the power of the spirit, Exu Rei Da Kalunga, I do summon and
command the intranquil spirits to, (state your request here) -

By the power of the spirit, Pomba Gira Reina Da Kalunga, I do
summon and command the intranquil spirits to, (state your
request here) - Sarava

Stand up and blow smoke from a tobacco cigar directly on to the
grave stone, three times.

Using your mouth, blow Cachaca liquor or whiskey directly on to
the grave stone, three times.

Ring the brass bell and begin to state your spiritual request to Exu
Meia Noite.

After you have completed saying out loud your spiritual request to
the spirits then do the License To Departure Conjuration Ritual;


A License to Depart is a simple banishing ritual that you will
perform to rid the area of any astral entities and spirits that might have been attracted to you from the energies you are creating
during these rituals. The License to Departure Conjuration Ritual
can be done in the following ritual by reciting the following:

O Mighty God Nzambi, you are the Creator of the Heavens and the
Earth. O Mighty God Nzambi you are the great force of all that is seen and unseen.

O Mighty God Nzambi, by the power invested in me through thy
most sacred and Holy of Holies, the Divine Sword of Exu, I do
banish from this sacred ritual area any and all spirits, beings and
astral entities of any kind whom have been summoned and
gathered here today to assist me in this holy ritual of Divine

O Mighty God Nzambi, by the mighty Sword of Exu, the Divine
Sword of the King of Kings, I grant you the license to depart, so
now return to the realm of God and be on your way.

In the name of Nzambi, the Lord of Heaven, in the name of the
Quimbanada Trinity, Exu Maioral, Exu Rei, Maria Padilla Reina and
the spirits of the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms and the
spirits of the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms, I will this to be

O Mighty God Nzambi, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on
Earth as it is in the great Heavens. SARAVA

After you have completed the License To Departure Ritual then
perform the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross.
The Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross is done in a
counter clockwise rotation position.
Facing East with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using the index
finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the North with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the West with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the South with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei or using
the index finger from your right hand do the following:
In silence, trace the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda
Cross before you in the air using the Divine Sword of Exu Rei.
Turn towards the East with the Divine Sword of Exu Rei in your
right hand and say the following:
In the name of Nzambi, the Lord of Heaven - SARAVA
In the name of the Quimbanda Trinity, who govern the Heavens
and the Earth - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
I lay down my enemies at your feet - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
I do bind my enemies in thy most sacred and Holy name - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
I do blind my enemies in thy most sacred and Holy name - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
I do destroy my enemies in thy most sacred and Holy name -
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
Give me victory to triumph over my enemies - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
Give me victory to defeat my enemies - SARAVA
Exu by the Divine Sword of the King of Kings
I wash my hands clean like Pontius Pilate - SARAVA

After you have completed performing the Greater Banishing Ritual
of the Quimbanda Cross then leave seven pennies at the foot of
the grave stone altar.

Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro Blog of the Magickal Occult Arts !!!!!

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The Gnostic Book & Pagan Community Center of Los Angeles is a California non-profit corporation dedicated in assisting individuals with discovering the inner mysteries of spiritual self-transformation, enlightenment and how to manifest their desires into a reality through Universal Gnostic Consciousness by raising the standard of living through Universal Spirituality and by becoming the "Architects of their own Destiny"...

Thank you for visiting our Online Store of Ritual Occult Ingredients & Ceremonial Magick Books. With the rapidly increasing number of occult shops and suppliers now available to the public, we thank you for selecting us. We are owned and operated by initiated magical arts members of the craft and dedicated to the "Old Religion". Everything we sell is made from pure herbs, spices, oils, resins & imported Moroccan fragrance oils. All items are personally gathered or blended and prepared by hand in observance of the ancient Hermetic magical traditions of Ceremonial High Magick, Goetia Sorcery, Necromancy, European Witchcraft, American Hoodoo, Latin American Spiritualism and African religious traditions.

All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. Should you have a special need not found in this catalog All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. 

We will be happy to try to fill custom orders or direct you to a legitimate suitable source. 

Due to regulations by the United States Post Office, please note the following: We make no claims of magical effects of supernatural powers for any item or spiritual service in this catalog or on our website, the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. In spite of legendary attributes or occult or craft tradition, such items listed for sale in this catalog are offered as curios only and beliefs concerning the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. 

If you should have any questions or concerns please contact us directly.

"Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro, Kimbanda, Quimbanda, Black Magic, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, Afro-Brazilian Spiritualism, Carlos Montenegro, Carlos Montenegro Books, Holy Temple of Nzambi, Free Mason, Free Spells, Candle Spells, Occult Products, Occult Supplies, Botanica, Exu, Pomba Gira, Maria Padilla Reina, Spirit Sigils, Sigils, Necromancy, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Devil, Satan, 72 Demons, King Solomon, Goetia, Quimbanda Goetia, Temple of Kimbanda, Nganga, 21 Divisions, Herbs, Candles, Incense, Oils, Occult Oils, Palos, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Brotherhood, OTO, Aliester Crowley, Scott Cunningham, Llwellyn Books, Azure Green, International Imports, Indio Imports, Christian,Jesus, Knights Templar, White Witchcraft, 72 Solomonic Demons, Divinations, Oracles, Salem, Satanism, Lucifer, Luciferian, Luciferism, La Santa Muerte, The Holy Death, La Santisima Muerte, Zarabanda, Siete Rayos, Mama Sholan, Tiembla Tierra, Aje, Tiempo Viejo, Kalunga, Madre De Agua, Nkisi, Rayado, American Candomble Church, American Quimbanda, American Kimbanda"

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